Sexual Assault Crisis Response Service

  • Sexual Assault Crisis Response at the RCH

    Gatehouse provides a 24/7 in-person sexual assault crisis response service to any child who presents at The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) and has experienced sexual harm and their families.

    This service operates 24/7 including all weekend and on public holidays. 

    The attending Gatehouse clinician can provide immediate psychological and emotional support to a child and their family, undertake risk and safety assessments and arrange appropriate referrals to other services, including child protection or a specialist sexual assault service for ongoing counselling. The Gatehouse clinician can also support children and their parents/carers if any medical treatment is required or if they wish to proceed with a forensic medical examination. 

    Crisis response during business hours

    Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm

    Call Gatehouse on 03 9345 6391.

    After-hours crisis response

    Monday–Friday, 5pm–9am, all weekend and public holidays

    Call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) emergency line on 1800 577 011.

    Gatehouse will respond to crisis response referrals from professionals (police, child protection, hospital staff) and parents/carers and is a voluntary service.

  • Seeking support following sexual harm

    Call 000 if you are unsafe or in immediate danger

    Call or email Gatehouse
    (03) 9345 6391
    Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

    After-hours Sexual Assault Crisis Line
    1800 806 292